Contact Us at 217-324-4232
We exist to joyfully advance the kingdom of God by making much of Jesus in the Church, Community, and Home.
Church Membership
Church membership is an extraordinary privilege. The gospel is God’s invitation for us to be a part of His family.
What to expect
Generally, our services are characterized by a warm family friendly atmosphere, lively corporate singing,
After School Program
Tending the Vine is an afterschool enrichment program for grades k-3 that empowers children to be successful in the school and the community through biblical mentoring and tutoring. We serve students from both Madison and J.D. Colt Elementary School by providing transportation to school in the morning and to the program after school, as well as, getting them home. The students learn music and songs that promote character and values, are given assistance with their homework, are provided 20 minutes of additional robust instruction in math, reading, grammar, and rote learning, and are given opportunities for educational play. We serve our children and their families Monday-Thursday from 3pm-5pm.
Online Giving
Volunteer & Serve
Since 1993
Our Vision
At FBCL, we love Jesus. We love to do everything we can to make much of Jesus in Word, Worship, Prayer, and Serving. We urge one another to engage in weekly worship services, connect through DNA Groups, and find places in which to serve one another in the church, community, and home.
To see the kingdom of the world become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, where he shall reign forever and ever. (Revelation 11:15)
We exist to joyfully advance the kingdom of God by making much of Jesus in the Church, Community, and Home.
Our desire is for your heart to encounter Christ through
- the preaching of God’s inerrant and all-sufficient word,
- songs that teach us to acknowledge God’s sovereign goodness, confess our brokenness, rejoice in our redemption, and eagerly await our Lord’s return,
- prayer that is bible saturated, Christ-exalting, and missions-minded,
- serving one another in unity and love by encouraging, equipping, and admonishing in the faith so that your heart will be set on fire with a radical love for Jesus that shines in the church, community, and home.